Mitt nya älskade liv!

Alla inlägg den 21 maj 2011

Av M - 21 maj 2011 22:30

Gillar faktiskt henne mer och mer, klockrena texter. Crash! Boom! Bang!

When you first left me I was wanting more
But you were fucking that girl next door, what cha do that for (what cha do that for)
When you first left me I didn't know what to say
I never been on my own that way, just sat by myself all day

I was so lost back then
But with a little help from my friends
I found a light in the tunnel at the end
Now you're calling me up on the phone
So you can have a little whine and a moan
And it's only because you're feeling alone

At first when I see you cry,
yeah it makes me smile, yeah it makes my smile
At worst I feel bad for a while,
but then I just smile I go ahead and smile

Whenever you see me you say that you want me back
And I tell you it don't mean jack, no it don't mean jack
I couldn't stop laughing, no I just couldn't help myself
See you messed up my mental health I was quite unwell

I was so lost back then
But with a little help from my friends
I found a light in the tunnel at the end
Now you're calling me up on the phone
So you can have a little whine and a moan
And it's only because you're feeling alone

At first when I see you cry,
yeah it makes me smile, yeah it makes my smile
At worst I feel bad for a while,
but then I just smile I go ahead and smile

lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala lalala

At first when I see you cry,
yeah it makes me smile, yeah it makes my smile
At worst I feel bad for a while,
but then I just smile I go ahead and smile


Av M - 21 maj 2011 19:34

Denna helg bjuder på jobb och grillat.

Så skönt och komma ut bland folk men samtidigt saknar man ju dom hemma. Jag vet ju att dom har det bra, sen är det ju alltid roligt och komma hem och märka att dom saknat mig.

Då ska dom till och kramas, pussas och mysa.

Ha nyss avnjutit en middag med grillad kycklig, fetaoströra och sallad.

Dukade upp med fin servisen och vinglasen. Dock hamnade det bara ramlösa i mitt ;)

Kände för lite lyx .. :)

Så nu ha jag marinerat jordgubbar och ska slå i lite ovispad grädde.

och då säger jag så här:

Hej då våren,

Välkommen sommaren


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